Our team

Prof. Bernard Grobéty
Prof. in applied mineralogy, scientific advisor

Dr. Ildiko Katona Serneels

B.Sc. Raphael Kunz
Microscopist and Field Assistant

M.Sc. Jose David Avellaneda
Data Analyst
Our participation, our contributions
- International Aerosol Conference in Athens 2022 (IAC 2022), Poster
- International Conference on Air Quality in Thessaloniki, Greece (2022), Poster
- AQE (Air Quality and Emissions Show) 2021-2022
- NABEL-Conference: Immission measurements: from High-end to Low-cost (2020). Particle Vision: Invited speaker
- International Transport Air Pollution Conference (TAP, 2019). Particle Vision: Speaker and extended abstract
- European Aerosol Conference (2017), Poster
- Microscopy Conference (2017), Poster
- Calidad del Aire y Salud Publica (2017), Poster
- International Transport and Air Pollution Conference (2017), Speaker
"We greatly appreciated the ability of the Particle Vision team to develop analytical and statistical methods that allowed us to better characterize fine dusts, their components and their origins. These methods will also be very useful in the future for analysing dust resulting from the abrasion of various metallic or mineral materials.
Richard Ballaman, Head of the Air Quality Section at the Federal Office for the Environment
«Pleasant and very professional collaboration. State-of-the-art expertise, precious advice and passionate scientific discussions.»
«The Office for Nature and Environment (ANU) Graubünden has been working successfully with Particle Vision on several projects since 2014. In addition to the chemical and morphological composition of coarse and fine dust, as well as microparticles, the source contributions of dust particles could also be quantitatively determined thanks to the knowledge and technical equipment of Particle Vision. This has made it possible for the ANU Graubünden to verify the implementation of various measures in wood-burning and industrial activities. But also, in the case of dust disturbances the ANU Graubünden has been supported by Particle Vision, and it was possible to determine the sources of the dust pollution and their contributions to the dust. We can unreservedly recommend the cooperation with Particle Vision.»
The Department of Air, Noise and Non-Ionizing Radiation (SABRA) / State of Geneva has called upon Particle Vision's expertise on several occasions to perform analyses on fine particles measured in the canton. These collaborations, which have highlighted Particle Vision's flexibility and professionalism, have enabled SABRA to obtain detailed information on fine particle emission sources and their composition.